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Show an interactive video. You could introduce your business, promote a new campaign, or provide a how-to guide for a recipe.

Videos from 3 different sources are supported:

  • Videos uploaded to Shopify from the Files page in your Shopify admin.
  • Videos hosted on YouTube.
  • Videos hosted on Vimeo.

If you want a background video instead, then use the Media banner section.

Add a Video section

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online StoreThemes.
  2. Next to Emporium, click Customize.
  3. Click icon-add.svg Add section, then click Video.

Display a video uploaded to Shopify

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online StoreThemes.
  2. Next to Emporium, click Customize.
  3. Click the Video section.
  4. Under Type, select the Shopify option.
  5. Under the Video (Shopify) field, click Select video.
  6. Select the video to display, or upload a new video, and click Done.
  7. In the Description field, input a short video description for customers using screen readers.
  8. Under Aspect ratio, select an option.

For best results, make sure to select an aspect ratio that matches that of your video. Vertical videos are supported.

Display a video hosted on YouTube or Vimeo

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online StoreThemes.
  2. Next to Emporium, click Customize.
  3. Click the Video section.
  4. Under Type, select the YouTube or Vimeo option.
  5. In the Video (YouTube or Vimeo) field:
    1. If your video is hosted on YouTube, input its YouTube URL.
    2. If your video is hosted on Vimeo, input its Vimeo URL.
  6. In the Description field, input a short video description for customers using screen readers.
  7. Under Aspect ratio, select an option.

For best results, make sure to select an aspect ratio that matches that of your video. Vertical videos are supported.